8th Annual Pantry Plunge!
When: Saturday, December 14, 2024 at Noon
Where: Gallien’s Town Beach at Beaver Lake, 39 Pond Road, Derry, NH

This fundraiser for the FBC Community Food Pantry will take place on the second Saturday in December at high noon! Come as a solo or gather your friends, your family, and your co-workers and form a team! We remain committed to fighting hunger in our area. Join us and begin this Holiday Season by helping others have enough to eat; not just for the holidays but for the coming year.

EXCITING NEWS! This year the Alexander Eastman Foundation is matching dollar-for-dollar (up to $5,000!) money raised by Pinkerton Academy Students who take part in the Pantry Plunge! PLEASE support these students as they support the FBC Community Food Pantry! Any and all donations should reference Pinkerton Academy (or PA) to ensure the funds are properly tallied. Go Astros!!!
Come one, come all to participate in the 8th Annual Pantry Plunge!
(Except dogs! The Town of Derry does not allow dogs at Gallien’s Beach!!)
On Saturday, December 14, 2024, we will be once again taking to the frigid waters of our own Beaver Lake (at Gallien’s Beach) to raise money for the FBC Community Food Pantry! The Food Pantry has been serving our community for over thirty years. We anticipate unprecedented need this coming winter and hope YOU can help us meet these needs!
“How can I help make this event a big success?” you might ask … here’s how!

Form a Team of Your Own!
Step 1: Get a Donation Pledge Sheet & Waiver
Step 2: Show up on Plunge Day.
Step 3: Plunge! (Read our Advice)
Get your co-workers, your family, and your friends to join you! Offer everyone you know an opportunity to sponsor your Plunge. Bring your Pledge Sheet & Waiver (available here or on our Facebook page “Pantry Plunge”), your pledges, your warm, dry clothes, and your enthusiasm to Beaver Lake and change the world … and just maybe yourself! It will be the most unusual, reaffirming, moments of your holiday season. It does take courage … after all, a dip in the lake in December is a chilling experience! Those few moments of discomfort, however, can mean a lot – a WHOLE LOT – of food for those in need!

Become a sponsor!
If Taking the Plunge is not for you, please sponsor someone who is going in! A donation earmarked “Pantry Plunge” will help encourage other intrepid participants. We are working hard to raise as much money as we can, so that none of our neighbors will go hungry this year!
Best of all, it will provide the gift that keeps on giving.